Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chicago I come!

Yes! I managed to get admitted into the University of Chicago's Graduate school of Business. The last 4 months have been a slog, with GMAT preps, essays etc. It feels good to have an admit.

I hope this will jumpstart my business blog (I highly doubt it). For those who are new or have no idea about the world of Business schools, you probably don't care. However, here are a few fun facts about the University of Chicago (The admit gives me bragging rights).

  1. In 2007, It was ranked number 1 business school in the U.S. by Businessweek and number 1 in the world by the Economist, even ahead of IIM-A for career guidance.
  2. The University of Chicago has the most number of Nobel Laureates than any other school in the world
  3. Milton Friedman taught in the University of Chicago and considered it his home. (Do I need to say more?)
I am looking forward to a valuable learning experience.

Oh! I forgot to mention, Steven Levitt (of Freakonomics fame) is a professor at the University of Chicago. Ok, I rest my case!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your GSB Admit.